~Melbourne Trip~

Hey Everyone! How are you? I just got back from Melbourne a few days ago. I went there for three days and stayed for two nights. Melbourne is a really nice place to visit and if you have the chance then I recommend you come and take a visit, when you’re in Australia.

During the trip I went to, Flinders Street Station, Brighton Beach, Chinatown, State Library of Victoria, Hosier Lane, Puffing Billy, Parliament House, Queen Victoria Market and a few restaurants and brunch places.


befunky-project (4)befunky-project (5)

befunky-project (6)befunky-project (7)

So, that is all. Hope you enjoyed this post! Until next time! QOTD: Where would you want to go if you’re in Melbourne?


~China trip~

Hey Everyone! Recently, I went to China with my family. It was actually my first time going overseas! It was really fun and I also got some culture shock. Like, some of the toilets there, were a bit different. They had squatting toilet rather a normal sitting toilet. It was a struggle. Also, there were a lot of people on the streets compared to Australia. The roads were packed with cars, bikes and motorbike scooters. The whole experience was great! Anyway, here are some photos!




Starbucks in China

Tickets from Happy Village! (Theme Park)

These just some of the pictures that I took from China. I even did some vlogs, it’s pretty great. Anyways, I hope you have a great day and be happy!

-SaRitzy ❤

Road trip Essentials

Hi Everyone! How are you all? I hope you all have been having a good day. Today’s post is going to be about Road trip essentials and what I would bring if I went on a road trip. Make sure to give this post a like!

☆ Sunglasses

This is like a must have, when you go on road trips.

☆ Book

I might get bored, so a book would be good.

☆ Bag

A kanken bag or any bag would be just perfect to put whatever in it.

☆ Phone

You always ave to bring your phone, just to take some pictures and go on it.

☆ Snacks

A road trip would not be a road trip if it didn’t have snacks. The best snacks to bring would be something that is healthy or just chocolate. Haha

☆ Hat

Totally need a hat!

☆ Music

YASSS! Music is definitely what you would need on a road trip.

☆ Water

Gotta stay hydrated!

☆ Polaroid

I love polaroids so much and they are so cute! Also, definitely something nice to take pictures with.

☆ Sunscreen

Got to be protect your skin!

☆ Body lotion

Another must have! It’s so nice to just have some.

I hope you enjoyed this post and make sure to give this post a like! This was just a very quick post, I’m sorry if I didn’t explain much about why I chose the essentials but I hope you still enjoyed it! Make sure to smile and be happy! 🙂 Have a nice day! QOTD: What are your road trip essentials?

-SaRitzy ❤