Blogmas Guide

Hi Everyone! Welcome back to my blog! It’s finally December everyone! Are you excitied? Today I have some very exciting news! I’m doing Blogmas this year! Yay! Today’s post is a collab with the one and only Dripping Snow, you can see her post here. (Her on the left!) She has a lovely blog and she’s also doing blogmas, give her some love by reading, liking and commenting on her post! Now let’s get into it!

What is Blogmas?

Blogmas is like an advent calendar where bloggers would publish Christmas content on their blogs everyday of December. This handy definition was inspired by BexCapades.

Tips for Newbies

Always Plan
You must always plan for blogmas as it can get pretty messy if you don’t sort out the days of when you post. As well as the content that you post on the day. By planning a scedule, you can clearly see what you need to write and post on each specific day.

List Out Post Ideas For Each Day You Post
This is an important tip for blogmas, as it’s basically the basis of creating an organised blogmas. By allocating each blogmas post for each day you post for blogmas, can help you by not creating a mess and confusion over what you post.

Prewrite Posts
This is also another important tip. It’s always stressful to write content, so by prewriting and editing your blogmas post in advance can help you be less stressed out with the blogmas process. This has definitely helped me, by relieving the stress of posting every day.

Decide Whether You Post Everyday Or Every Second Day
Decemeber is a busy month for everyone, so make sure you carfeully decide whether you want to post everyday utill Christmas or every second day, if you are doing blogmas.

Blogmas Post Ideas

  • DIY Christmas Cards
  • Christmas Movies
  • Christmas Playlist
  • Christmas Present Ideas for Her/Him
  • Christmas Baking
  • Christmas Tag
  • Bullet Journal Spread Christmas Edition
  • Christmas Photography
  • Day In a Life- Christmas Prep
  • How To Be Festive
  • Christmas Food Recipes

That is all for today’s blogmas guide! I hope you all enjoyed this post and that you feel highly informed about Blogmas! Hope you have a good day! Thank you for reading! Make sure to check out Dripping Snow’s post too!

Signing Off,

How to gain followers on your blog?

Hi Everyone! How are you all? So, recently some of you asked me how I gained my followers and that’s how this post came about. I just want to help you guys, by giving some tips and advice that can help you all get more and more followers.

<1> Go to the comment section of a blog post and follow all the bloggers

I think majority of us have done this. So, literally you just click onto a blog post and you comment, or look at the people who have commented and you follow them. Sometimes, they follow back sometimes they don’t.

<2> The other way around 

Comment on a blog post and let people find you. Instead of you finding them.

<3> Blog Party

This is honestly one of the best ways to find new followers and it’s benefits everyone, make sure you join one.

<4> Comment or spam on their blog so they notice you

I know some bloggers don’t like it when people do this but it’s kind of smart because it’s get the blogger’s attention. OKAY, GUYS! WHAT I MEANT BY SPAM IS PRETTY MUCH LIKE LIKING AND COMMENTING ON PEOPLE’S POST! NOT SPAMMING THEM WITH WERID COMMENTS!

<5> It takes time

I know a lot you want tonnes of followers but sometimes it takes time and I feel like you shouldn’t rush into things because there would be a point when your blog with reach it’s peak. Don’t worry if someone else has a lot followers because it doesn’t matter.

<6> Be more active

Stay consistent with your blogging schedule and interact with the members on the community!

<7> Post more!

Write and share your ideas with the rest of the world! ❤

Remember it’s really the choice of the blogger whether or not they want to follow you or not because it’s all up to them. I don’t think you should be petty, if they don’t follow you back.

I hope you all enjoyed this post! Make sure to give it a like! Hopefully, this post was helpful in some way. But remember it does take a lot of time to gain followers! Have a lovely day and have fun! QOTD: Some tips about gaining followers on your blog?

-SaRitzy ❤

Blogging Tips and Tricks

Hi Everyone! How has it been? Today’s post is just me giving all of you some advice, isn’t that great! I’m just going to tell you some of my blogging tips and tricks, to gain more followers and have a good content and mainly to inspire other bloggers around the world. To be honest with you I’m not a professional blogger but I just really hope some of these tips help you, to grow your blog. Make sure to give this post a like!

<1> Socialise with other bloggers

Just simply comment and read other bloggers post and try to engage with them, the more you talk means that you are likely to become friends. They might even give you a follow!

<2>  Use tags

You know in the post setting section there is a Categories & Tags, that is where you do your tags. But remember to use certain tags that fit your blog post. This can help you to more gain view, likes and even followers, but this may not happen every time though.

<3> Post Regularly

If you want your blog to become more successful and gain a lot more traffic then post more! (I sound like I’m in an ad 😂, I think…) This really does increase the amount of views and likes.

<4> Content

Have content that makes readers feel like they understand and relate with you or give advice to other bloggers and readers. To be honest, the content is up to you but the best idea is to stick with one or two themes for your blog.

<5> Include a picture

Adding a photo for every blog post you write, gives off a better vibe, it draws attention to the readers and gives a more appealing blog post.

I hope you enjoy this post and make sure to give this post a like! Hopefully these tips and tricks helped you a bit with your blogging. Anyways, have a good day! QOTD: What are some of your blogger tips and tricks?

-SaRitzy ❤